Garden City Community Church | Garden City, NY
The Garden City Community Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ which renews and strengthens its commitment to advocate justice and equality for all peoples in all areas of society. Our Purpose: We nurture Christian faith, and put our faith into action by serving others in our church, our community, and our world.
Project: Let Wonder Be Reborn*-rekindling a sense of the sacred in our worship experiences
Over the past year, our clergy, music minister, and members of the “Casting Your Nets” committee have actively sought ways to revitalize our communal worship experience by involving the whole person–body, mind, and spirit. Using worship practices that are both old and new, we are seeking to craft worship services that are emotionally as well as intellectually engaging, and to expand opportunities for the worshiping community to respond actively in word, song and gesture. We have made a conscious effort to make certain that our worship, our welcome, and the good works that we do as a community are centered on God rather than solely on ourselves. Instead of Inviting people to come and see what we are doing, we are inviting them to come and be a part of what God is doing in our midst.
With so many other potential activities vying for people’s attention on Sunday morning, it is important that our worship and church school provide high quality experiences offering real substance, the chance to be a participant–not a spectator, and real sense of being connected to something larger than ourselves: our local church community and the greater Body of Christ
*Let Wonder Be Reborn is the title of a hymn text commissioned by our church for its 75th anniversary by Thomas H. Troeger in 2004.
245 Stewart Ave
Garden City, NY
Team Members:
Rev. James Adelmann, Senior Pastor
Frank L Crosio, Minister of Music
Karen Zalewski, lay leader